Claudio Lucisano

Who I am

My name is Claudio Lucisano, and I am years old. I was born in Catanzaro, in the south of Italy. I grew up with a passion for technology, and after completing primary school, I attended "Liceo Classico P. Galluppi," where I obtained my classical diploma. In 2021, I graduated with a degree in Computer Science from the University of Calabria, where I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Security.

Claudio Lucisano

What I've done

Contact me

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(+39) 331 9969 004

Telephone number
profile for CcmU at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers



Languages and Technologies

Python C++ Java JavaScript TypeScript Wireshark Unity 3D C# Android Studio HTML CSS Perl MySQL